Newborn Photography Workshop with Kelly Brown 2014


Kelly Brown of Little Pieces Photography and I at her 2014 LA workshop.


2014 Kelly Brown LA newborn photography workshop.

So it all started with Pinterest. Yep, Pinterest. Probably not the way you would expect either; tons of pictures with babies in ridiculous hats or that one if the baby on the dad’s stomach. Nope. It all started with a before and after portrait of a woman photographed by Sue Bryce. It was beautiful and I was amazing how much posing could make a difference. I followed the pin to her website, and from there I found Creative Live (by the way if you don’t know what creative live is go check it out, trust me!) this was probably close to two years ago. In the mean time I had decided to start my newborn photography business and I was trying to soak up as much knowledge as I could. One day I get an email from creative love say that they were going to have a live online workshop focusing on newborn photography hosted by Kelly Brown. I had never heard of her (to be fair I hadn’t heard of a lot of newborn photographers). So I google stalked her 😉 and I feel in love with her work.
I watched the creative live workshop and couldn’t believe how amazing she was. I had read tutorials, blogs, seen a a couple youtube videos but nothing even compared to this. I’ve probably actually watched it a few times now. She has helped me grow so much as a photographer. Anyways, she is an Australian based newborn photographer. So, when I heard she was doing in person workshops in the US I was ecstatic! I told my boyfriend it was going to be like going to newborn Disneyland!

I woke up at like 4 in the morning to make sure I got a seat at the workshop ( it was on Aussie time), and I was all set. I was beyond excited to get to see one of my photographer idols in person, but part of me was a little worried that I wouldn’t learn anything new since I had seen the workshop online. I was so wrong. I learned so much, and it was amazing to be there in person and ask my questions. My mom always told me if you take a class/course and you only learn 1 thing it was all worth it, and I learned way more than one thing. It’s amazing how generous Kelly is with her knowledge-she is such genuine person and an inspiration. 

Below are some of the images from the workshop, and some of the images Kelly posed and I shot and edited. I hope I get to meet her agin someday.

  1. Dagmara says:

    I am so jealous of this opportunity, your clients will benefit from this workshops and it will help you take your newborn photography to the next level! Brilliant!

  2. Kandi says:

    Beautiful blog post!!! So excited for you!!!!


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